Thursday February 7, 2019

Hey guys welcome back today’s a beautiful Thursday afternoon with a high of 46 degrees (kidding well , not really but that was Angela my friend and one of our programmers idea). If your questioning why theirs a post on a Thursday well that’s actually...

Friday, February 15, 2019

Welcome back to another day at team Flurb! Today we have a lot of things we have to do, as bag day is rapidly approaching. The building team today is finalizing the robot, and the business team is generating sponsor logos for the robot. Also systems and control are...

Monday February 11, 2019

Welcome back folks, today’s a rather interesting day due to the fact that only a quarter of the team is in room 312. The programming and building team are in a different location perfecting designs on our robot so that we can begin to practice before the...

Monday, February 4, 2019

Welcome back to a wonderful day at the Flurb workshop.  We again have many things to do today and not a lot of time to do it, so it’s going to be a blast!  First thing is the business team will be working on today’s blog post (#breaking the fourth wall). ...

Friday , February 1, 2019

Welcome back. Today was filled with lots of fun. Our team made our way down to the BWARA practice field to set up field elements. We had a blast setting up and are one step closer to finishing the field.  While we were constructing the field, the building team was...

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Welcome back! Today’s is going to be fun as we have lots to do. First thing first…our business team has a lot to do so that will be fun.  The building team is again working on the final design for the robot. The programming team is working with Limelite....