Team 5843 Flurb
“There are no failures, only lessons. No failure is permanent. Everything is iterative. Life is iterative. Celebrate failures in life, as you would in design. Fail, learn, improve.”
Team 5843 Flurb
Welcome to our official website! We are pretty proud of it! Who are we to be exact? We are Flurb; a high school robotics team representing East China School District who partakes in a competition called FIRST. Once a year, we are given a challenge, and plan and build a washing-machine-sized robot to tackle it.
The Mission of the East China FIRST Robotics Program is to connect students with real-world applications of Technology and Engineering, train them in building, fabricating, and coding, and give them a confidence that can only come from first-hand experience that they would not get anywhere else.
Engineering inspiration and innovation.
Our Team Culture
We help each other.
We build each other up.
We support each other.
We ask when we need help.
We work toward a common goal.
We fail forward.
We expect Mr. Tenniswood to ask if we have our homework done.
We are the team others want to emulate.
We focus on one match at a time. We do not look ahead.
We have the best spirit in the arena.
We do homework during practice. Academics come FIRST.
We practice professionalism at all times.
We dance. (Except Matt unless we are in the world finals then he dances.)
We cheer.
We participate in Mrs. Tenniswood’s crazy team building activities.